Some Other Sights and Sounds
aka The Links Page
Some webcomics that I enjoy a heck of a lot:
Something Positive - 'Nuff said.
Scary Go Round - True story: when I was abroad, I very nearly went to a random con in the UK to meet John Allison. I am a wimp, though, and did not.
Questionable Content - Jeph Jacques taught me how to use Photoshop. Seriously.
Least I Could Do - Ryan Sohmer is a bad bad man, but his comic is awesome.
xkcd - Sticks figures are AWESOME. And so is this comic.
Achewood - Yeah, I'm out of words for this one, too. It's good. Trust me on this.
Order of the Stick - Did I mention stick figures are awesome? They are.
Cat and Girl - Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes, but with more existentialism!
Beatnik Squad - My friend Ramsey's comic. Because of his glorious example, I found out that real people can make comics, too!
Some other things you might enjoy looking at:
Girls Are Pretty - Not what you think! There are no pictures on this thing at all, but some mighty good writing.
Neil Gaiman's Blog - Speaking of mighty good writing, Neil Gaiman is probably the only person out there who could make you look at your own blog and go "Wow, I have some work to do..."
PostSecret - If you haven't seen this yet, you are missing out, my friend.
And in case stalking is more your thing:
Um... let's see... well, I have a Last.fm account, where you can judge my musical tastes, if that's your kind of thing.
Also, I have an incredibly boring Myspace.
And if you are still not satisfied, I also have an e-mail address that isn't too shabby.
Oh, and check out A Summer Wasting at The Webcomic List by clicking on the image below:
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