September 16th - New Comic!
And, um, yeah... there will be more! For serious!

Hawking a LOAGEE
I'd be amused if this was the comic that ended up getting me hate mail. To explain: the aim of LOAGEE is not to sabotage or even
disapprove of people getting engaged. It is merely a forum for people to express how totally weird it is that people our age are making
major life decisions, while we are still stumped by things like picking a favorite Slim Jim flavor.
Because seriously? That is weird.
In other news, today's comic features my friend Liz. I have known Liz since small times. In addition to being a person who does pushups
every morning, a person who slaps guys in sketchy bars, and a person who spent several years of high school running around in a neon
green cape pretending to be a superhero, she is also one of my best friends. And in about two weeks, she is getting on a plane and going
to Turkmenistan for two and a half years.
And damn it, I'm going to miss her.

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