A Toast to Better Days
aka The Archives
- There are Not Enough A's in Existence to Express the Sound Her Brain is Trying to Make
- Does She Just Hang Out There After It Closes, Then?
- The Leather Smell is Coming From INSIDE THE CAR!!!
- C'mon People, I'm Not Your Freakin' Merch Table
- And We're Not Even Going to Talk About What Gary Did to That Post...
- Does She Always Solve Directing Mistakes With a Sword?
- 9 Times Out of Ten, Really
- Oh, Oscar Wilde...
- Now With Real Orange Bits!
- The Dulcet Tones of Ray Lamontagne
- Department of Mental Vandalism
- Not At All Relaxing, Let Me Tell You
- An Inopportune Time to Speak
- 'Tis the Season For PHYSICAL VIOLENCE!
- Entering More Than Just the Haggis, Apparantly
- Total Pwnage
- I Live At the End of a 5 and a Half Minute Freakout
- Not By This Count, But Don't Be a Hater, Okay?
- Little Hussy Was Asking For It
- A Public Service Announcement
- Poor Xiao Won't Have Much of an Apartment to Come Back To At This Rate
- Adventures At the Blood Drive
- I Stole the TV!
- Duct Tape Will Not Make An Honest Man Out of You
- She's... definitely related to me...
- The Beautiful Men's Posing Club
- Extreme Sushi Road Trip #2
- Extreme Sushi Road Trip #1
- The Quill! The Page! Lyric Rampage!
- Limits to My Metabolism
- Missing Truth and Forever
- Blatant, Unabashed Heckling
- She Noticed It Because It Was SHINY
- Artistic Hoo-hah
- *Sigh* You get there. Happy?
- Fingers on Lips!
- Better Comics Than Mine
- Height! Fresh Height for Sale!
- Why Does He Sound So ANGRY?
- Swishy Skirt Day!
- Stage Managing the Laws of Physics
- Doctor WOOOOO!!!
- The Downside of Isolation
- A Serious Lack of Pants on Someone's Part
- Falling Rocks!
- The Drunken Engineer Corps
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